Edge PPPoA Architecture
PPPoA Architecture Overview
Advantages of Architecture:
- Per session Auth
- Per session accounting
- IP address conservation
- Easier troubleshooting of active individual subscribers
- Can use oversubscription based on idle timeouts.
- Scalable
- Can use Service Selection Gateways (SSG)
- Only single session per CPE.
- Instead setup complexity of CPE.
- Requires database for authentication
- NAT can cause issues with apps like IPTV.
Service Destination
- How service is terminated and where deals with service destination. This usually relates to where the PPP tunnel terminates.
- Three common methods:
- Terminating PPP sessions at the service provider. PPP between CPE and Aggregate router.
- L2TP/L2F tunneling. Terminating PPP to the corporate gateway based on username and password. PPPoA to Aggregate router and L2TP/L2F to the corporate gateway. Only one gateway can be accessed.
- Using Service Selection Gateway (SSG). One-to-many service, where the aggregate router can route based on Web-Based Service Selection Dashboard (SSD). For example single user can access corporate gateway, ISP and Extranet.