MPLS LDP Per Neighbor Authentication
Table of Contents
To maintain control of which MPLS routers exchange labels using LDP, per neighbor authentication can be configured. This feature also protect the TCP layer from DoS attacks.
Per Neighbor Authentication
- Security is provided in the TCP protocol header using the TCP MD5 Signature options.
- When configuring the neighbor password, until the LDP session is reset, configured neighbor password won't be in effect. The other option is to include required authentication with the command mpls ldp password required, which will authenticate all LDP neighbors immediately (this could be dangerous).
- When changing configured already configured password, until the session is reset, new password won't be used.
- The biggest disadvantage is that the LDP session has to be reset to enable this feature.
- In the configuration below R2's neighbors have per neighbor password configured:
mpls ldp neighbor password MY-SECRET-PASS
mpls ldp neighbor password MY-SECRET-PASS
- Only LDP neighbor is using the password (in use), while neighbor is not using it yet (stale).
- To see all active sessions with the same password configured and used in TCP sessions use the command show mpls ldp neighbor current.
- To see all stale sessions whose password is different than configured use the command show mpls ldp neighbor pending
R2#sh mpls ldp neighbor password
Peer LDP Ident:; Local LDP Ident
TCP connection: -
Password: not required, neighbor, stale <---per neighbor, stale not used yet or different
State: Oper; Msgs sent/rcvd: 15/13
Peer LDP Ident:; Local LDP Ident
TCP connection: -
Password: not required, neighbor, in use <--per neighbor, password currently in use.
State: Oper; Msgs sent/rcvd: 11/17
Relevant Commands
mpls ldp neighbor password
Configured a per LDP neighbor password.
R1(config)# mpls ldp neighbor (ldp-peer-ip) password 0 (pass)
mpls ldp password required
Forces all LDP neighbors to have a password required.
R1(config)# mpls ldp password required
show mpls ldp neighbor password
Displays password information per neighbor.
Password is mandatory or not for this neighbor indicated by the required or not required output for all sessions.
Password source can be from neighbor, fallback optionor none.
Password can indicated if the TCP session uses MD5 password with the output in use or stale.
show mpls ldp neighbor password
show mpls ldp (ip) neighbor password
show mpls ldp neighbor password current
show mpls ldp neighbor password pending
show mpls ldp discovery detail
show mpls ldp discovery detail
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